Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just registered for a 5K

I decided that prior to running a full marathon, I wanted to get back into racing mode. So I decided to register for the Tacoma St Patty's 5K on March 13. This will be perfect for me. I know I could run a 5K now if I had to, so I won't be worried about the distance.

I've only ever run one 5K - the Seattle St Patty's Dash back in 2000. It was my first race, and the one that hooked me. After that, I took a fondness for 10Ks and then quickly moved up from there.

If you've never run a race before, why not join me? If you live outside the Tacoma area, try and find a local 5K race for early spring. (A 5K is just over 3 miles for those that are wondering.) In the next few weeks, I'll be shoring up my half and full marathon plans. But for now my focus will be shaping up and getting in 5K race shape.

I'm very excited. This will be my first event since 2007!

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